Employee Engagement

4 ways to maximize the benefits of mentoring in the workplace

At an organizational level, the benefits of mentoring in the workplace are no secret. 84% of Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs, and 100% of Fortune 50 companies have them.

At the individual level though, it’s a different story. While 97% of people who have a mentor find it valuable, only 37% of professionals actually have one.

And 63% of women have never had a formal mentor.

It’s a reciprocal cycle, though—89% of those who’ve had a mentor will go on to become one.

Mentorship also ranked as the #1 focus for L&D programs in 2023. So if your company doesn’t have a mentorship program yet, it might be time to create one.

Here are our tips to maximize the benefits of mentoring in the workplace:

Match people with mentors from a different demographic

Many people gravitate towards someone like them when they want a mentor. But being mentored by someone from a different demographic can help them develop skills they hadn’t considered. And, for team members from underrepresented backgrounds, it could provide a further boost up the career ladder.

For example, when men have female mentors, it improves their “feminine” traits such as empathy. These often-dismissed capabilities actually create better leaders. Yet, people frequently underestimate them—and therefore don’t encourage or nurture them—in the workplace.

Employees are more satisfied with leaders who possess these traits. What’s more, countries that embrace female leadership have higher GDPs and even experienced fewer deaths during the Covid pandemic.

Team members from underrepresented backgrounds who receive mentorship, meanwhile, gain introductions to industry connections that can open more doors for them to grow their careers.

While employees may initially feel more comfortable as the mentee of someone from the same demographic as them, they won’t get as much from it.

If matched with someone different from them, they can learn not just new skills for the workplace, but reduce their unconscious bias and develop abilities that may be less common for their demographic.

Matching employees with mentors who are equipped to actually help them grow is a key way to reap the full benefits of mentoring in the workplace.

Tailor the program to employees’ needs

Having a mentoring program is one thing. But if your mentors have never mentored anyone before, or even been on the receiving end of mentorship, they may not know how to ensure their mentee gets the most from the experience. So they end up going through the motions instead of offering employees the support they actually need.

Creating a flexible program outline ensures mentoring delivers on its promises for mentees.

For example, if the mentee’s goal is to get a promotion, the mentor can help them identify the skills they need to learn to put them in the most competitive position to achieve that goal.

They can then break the list down further to look at what activities or experiences will help the mentee gain those skills to use in the future.

If your program structure is too rigid it won’t be able to adapt to accommodate the unique skills required for each role.

But if it’s a flexible outline, the mentor and mentee (maybe with a little help from HR) can create a plan that provides mentees with everything they need to succeed.

Create groups for mentors and mentees

Employee groups are incredibly powerful. Creating specific groups for mentors and mentees to ask questions and network can help boost the benefits of mentoring in the workplace even further.

Your team can use groups to share ideas and resources, as well as troubleshoot if something isn’t working. This means nobody has to solve a problem alone. It increases their sense of belonging in the workplace and shortens how long it takes to find a solution.

Ask for feedback

Asking employees for feedback on your mentoring program ensures that everyone gets the most out of it. 

If you don’t have a mentorship program yet, or you want to overhaul it, consider asking employees what they want from it. 

You could ask questions like:

·      What skills would you like to learn?

·      Who do you think would be a good mentor?

·      Would you be interested in mentoring a colleague?

Further down the line, check in with employees to find out how things are going. 

That way, you can double down on what’s working and find ways to solve what isn’t—or cut those parts out.

You could ask mentees:

·      What have you learned from your mentor so far?

·      What benefits have you experienced from being a mentee?

·      On a scale of 1-10, how beneficial have you found being a mentee?

And ask mentors:

·      What have you learned from being a mentor?

·      What benefits have you experienced from mentoring?

At the end of the program, you could ask:

·      Has the mentorship program helped you achieve your goal(s)?

·      What’s the most valuable thing you learned?

·      On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your mentor?

Combining closed questions and open-ended questions will get you the best results. You can analyze the results of closed questions to get quantitative data, while the details from open questions will give you further insights to help you improve the program.

The answers to open-ended questions may also give you new ways to advertise the program to existing employees, or showcase it in job descriptions. Ensuring strong participation is obviously another big part of maximizing the benefits of mentoring in the workplace.


A mentoring program can create new opportunities for mentors and mentees. It’s not just about networking or learning new skills; it opens people up to new ways of thinking and experiencing the world.

When you involve mentors and mentees in the creation of the program, it ensures that employees will want to be a part of it and can talk up the benefits of mentoring in the workplace to their friends and colleagues.

This helps the program to grow and means you have better trained, happier employees. Who are also more likely to stick around for longer because they feel supported by their employer.

Are you ready to tap into the benefits of mentoring in the workplace for your organization? If so, Workrowd has your back.

Our all-in-one tool suite makes it easy to connect employees for matching, set up and manage employee groups, and automatically survey employees about their experiences. Plus, with real-time analytics dashboards, you can visualize your progress at a glance.

Want to learn more? Visit us online or reach out directly to

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

8 ways your team is being held back by unconscious bias at work

Unconscious bias at work continues to be a major problem for both employees and employers. 83% of employees who’ve experienced, or witnessed, bias(es) at work feel that they were subtle and indirect, or microaggressions.

This means that the person responsible may not know that what they were doing was even a form of unconscious bias.

But it’s still their responsibility to grow their awareness and fix it. Especially when almost two-thirds of employees believe their workplace is biased.

Bias can come in many forms, including:

  • Gender
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sexuality
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Height 
  • Disability

Making assumptions about people based on any of these characteristics is a form of bias.

For example, assuming that someone over the age of fifty is less computer literate than a twenty-year-old.

This has a financial impact, too. The estimated cost of workplace bias is $64 billion per year. This is based on the cost of replacing more than 2 million US workers who leave due to unfairness and discrimination. 

It doesn’t factor in the legal costs involved when companies need to defend themselves. Or when they’re fined because of unlawful behavior.

So, reducing unconscious bias at work could save—and make—your company a lot of money.

How do you know if it’s a problem in your organization, though? Here are 8 examples of unconscious bias at work you may not have considered.

Thinking there’s no unconscious bias in your workplace

No one is perfect. And it’s far better to admit that, and accept that everyone is a work in progress, than to try to block it out. 

You can do all the training you like, but you still may fall prey to unconscious bias at work. Eradicating it requires active, conscious work. Especially when someone is new to noticing it. 

Eventually the good behaviors become habit, but that takes time. Just the same as learning those good habits did in the first place.

Interrupting colleagues in meetings

Did you know women are more likely to be interrupted in a meeting than men?

Next time you’re in a meeting, track how often each person, or demographic is interrupted. The results may surprise you.

The Woman Interrupted app detects how often men interrupt women during a meeting.

Its data discovered that in the US, men speak over women 1.43 times per minute. PER MINUTE.

In the UK, this goes up to 1.67 times per minute. In Malaysia it’s 6.66 times, it’s 7.22 times in Nigeria, and in Pakistan it’s 8.28 times.

Questioning expertise

How often do you challenge someone’s ideas in a meeting? Do you challenge everyone’s ideas equally?

Men often have their ideas questioned less, even if they have less experience.

Women, meanwhile, find that their ideas and expertise are questioned more often. And they’re more than twice as likely to have to provide evidence of their competence.

But when a man makes the same suggestion, people more readily get onboard. And give him all the credit. It’s one of the most common examples of unconscious bias at work.

You hired your employees because they have the required expertise for the job. So it’s important that their colleagues know, understand, and respect this. And that their behavior reflects it.

Assuming everyone is able-bodied

Not everyone likes to disclose that they have a disability to their employer. Many people with disabilities worry that their colleagues will treat them differently or think them less capable of doing their job if they share their condition.

Whether it’s asthma, allergies, chronic pain, neurodivergence, or something more visible, almost everyone has something.

Yet the default is still to assume that everyone is able-bodied.

So businesses work under that assumption, rather than making accommodations that improve everyone’s quality of life. This is just another way that unconscious bias at work can show up.

For example, does your office have an elevator?

Do you have a plan in place for if there’s a fire in the building and it’s unusable? Who’s going to help employees with mobility challenges down the stairs during an emergency?

Making assumptions about people’s health, and their needs, leads to a huge disconnect. And can mean that employees who don’t disclose their disabilities are more likely to leave because their workplace is unfit for purpose.

Thinking you understand someone else’s experiences

Unless you’ve lived through something, it’s really hard to understand what it’s like. For instance, living with a particular health condition or growing up in a totally different culture or location.

Having witnessed it helps, but it will never give you the full experience because you’re not in that person’s body or mind.

Thinking you know exactly what a person thinks or feels leads to making assumptions about what they need. Which can be risky territory.

Different people can experience the same situation completely differently. That’s why listening in the workplace is so important. You get a better understanding of someone’s experiences and needs, and can suggest further ways to accommodate them.

Not paying attention to promotions

Gallup’s Women and the Workplace study found that at almost 600 companies, for every 100 men promoted, only 85 women received promotions.

Women are also more slowly promoted in the workplace than men with the same level of education and experience. Such unequal promotion rates are a strong indicator of unconscious bias at work.

Telling women to just ask for a raise

I’m sure you’ve heard this before—that women just need to more actively ask for raises.

What if I were to tell you that women do, in fact, ask for raises…we’re just less likely to get them?

That’s what research from Australia showed.

Worse still, male hiring managers are more likely to dislike women who negotiate during the hiring process. It doesn’t bother them if the candidate is male. 

Female hiring managers treat both genders the same.

Assuming someone’s role

48% of African American women, and 47% of Latina women, report having being mistaken for administrative or custodial staff. Regardless of their actual role within the business.

Female managers and CEOs have even had people assume that their employees, or even husbands, are the leader in an organization, addressing the men first or even outright ignoring the women.


There are many ways that unconscious bias at work holds businesses back. Knowing the signs is key to taking the steps to eradicate it.

Does your business suffer from unconscious bias at work? If so, it’s time to make some changes, for both your people, and your bottom line.

If you want an easier way to implement your new programs and track progress, Workrowd can help. Reducing unconscious bias at work is no easy task, but our all-in-one tool suite can set you up for success. From launching and managing ERGs to collecting and analyzing employee feedback, we bring everything you need under one roof.

Ready to learn more? Visit us online or send us a message at

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

7 ideas for tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices

Unconscious bias is everywhere. We may not always notice it, but that doesn’t stop it from doing damage. Which is why tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices couldn’t be more important.

We’re all guilty of it. And when we think we’re not…that’s usually when we’re more likely to be guilty of it.

Picture someone in the following professions:

  • Doctor
  • Pilot
  • Soldier

Did you picture men for all three of them?

That’s unconscious bias.

What about these professions?

  • Nurse
  • Kindergarten teacher
  • Hairdresser 

Thinking of a female?

Still unconscious bias.

It seeps into our lives without us even realizing it (hence why it’s called unconscious bias).

For us to mitigate its effects, and work toward eradicating it, we have to take conscious steps to change our environment and thought processes. And make an ongoing effort to reduce it.

One of the areas that’s especially important for HR to pay attention to is tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices. 

From focusing on different skillsets based on someone’s gender, to not interviewing someone at all because of their name, there are lots of ways that bias plays a role.

So, let’s look at some tips for tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices to set you up for success:

Check job descriptions for inclusive language

Words like “ambitious” or “competitive” have very different connotations from words like “empathetic.” Even “management” can have more masculine connotations.

It’s easy to let unconscious bias slip into the language we use (it is unconscious, after all).

That’s where using a tool that can help you spot unconscious bias in your job descriptions can be useful. It’s a great starting point for tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices.

Create a more diverse hiring team

If a hiring team contains just one woman, that team is less likely to hire another woman.

With a token female onboard, the men think they have to worry less about diversity.

But the woman is afraid that if she backs a female candidate, the men will think she’s playing favorites.

So what you actually need is more representation throughout the hiring process. Have at least two females on a hiring panel, two people of color, etc. This can set you up for greater success when tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices.

Implement anonymous hiring

In an eye-opening study, male and female managers thought male candidates would be more competent in a role.

This was more likely to happen at organizations that believed their profession no longer had any gender bias.

It was mostly men who felt this way, but the women who felt this way undervalued female employees just as much as their male counterparts.

A female applicant is 30% less likely to be invited to an interview than a man who’s just as qualified.

Anonymous hiring, often called blind hiring or recruitment, removes information that could inform hiring managers about candidate characteristics such as someone’s gender, race, age, or socioeconomic status.

Studies in Europe, Canada, and the US showed that this hiring technique improved the numbers of underrepresented hires in organizations that still struggled with tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices.

Test them before you question them

When you assess someone’s skills before interviewing them, you have concrete evidence of their abilities before you ask them any questions.

This makes it easier to judge them based on the quality of their work, not traits such as their gender, race, or even their likeability.

Likeability isn’t a measure of competence but it can have an impact on which candidate hiring managers prefer. This can work against people who don’t conform to societal stereotypes or who are neurodivergent.

Ask everyone the same questions

Women are more likely to be hired for their past achievements, while men can be hired for their potential. Meaning that questions can go in different directions.

Hiring managers can also end up with different expectations because of someone’s background.

When you ask everyone the same question, it creates a fairer playing field. You then have comparable data between applicants to help you make a more informed, data-driven decision.

Relying on facts rather than feelings is crucial to tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices.

Don’t ask about gaps in employment

Many people have gaps in their employment, whether that’s because they took time off to raise a family, travel, or because of an illness. 

Asking why there’s a gap in someone’s employment makes them feel like they did something wrong by not prioritizing work, living their life, or getting sick.

There’s also then the risk of discrimination against that person because they’re a parent, they choose not to be, or they have/had a long-term illness.

Set targets

Having targets—and tracking your progress toward achieving them—keeps everyone within your business accountable. It keeps diversity initiatives front of mind instead of them becoming an afterthought during your hiring process.

This data also means that you have hard evidence to prove how well you’re really performing, rather than operating on gut instincts and overconfidence. Which helps maintain motivation toward achieving the targets.

One trackable target you could set could be quotas. While many people dislike the idea of them, they do make a difference. Especially in the early days.

Quotas weed out incompetent applicants who benefit from their societal privilege, giving more opportunities to underrepresented talent.


Unconscious bias is an inevitable part of being human, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fixable. Tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices requires active work to ensure the best candidate is hired regardless of demographics.

Some of the steps businesses can take to remove bias include blind applications, setting competence tasks, and asking everyone the same set of questions so that they can be compared fairly.

It’s also important to encourage employees to network with colleagues with whom they have things in common, especially when they’re new to the organization. This creates a sense of belonging in the workplace, helping ensure underrepresented hires stick around and don’t feel isolated because they don’t fit in.

Looking for ways to maintain your gains after tackling unconscious bias in hiring practices? Workrowd has the tools you need.

From fostering genuine connections between team members, to keeping everyone informed and included, our all-in-one platform can help you overcome bias to build a more engaged and productive workplace. Plus, with real-time analytics, you always know what’s working, and where you should focus your efforts.

Want to learn more? Visit us online or send us an email at

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

10 innovative ways to reduce unconscious bias in the workplace

60% of employees feel that their workplace is biased. Worse, 39% of employees say that they experience unconscious bias in the workplace at least once a month. So some employees are experiencing it really frequently.

In a world that convinces itself it’s forward-thinking and progressive, this is a saddening (and eye-opening) statistic.

But what can organizations do to reduce unconscious bias in the workplace? Especially when we don’t even notice it’s there?

Ask underrepresented team members the first question

In meetings, white men get the floor longer than anyone else. They’re also the ones most likely to speak up. And tend to be the majority in the room.

When you ask someone else the first question, it gives them the confidence to speak out more.

It also gives other underrepresented team members the confidence to speak, too.

Back up a good point, regardless of who made it

If women make up just 20% or 40% of a group, their ideas are less than half as likely as a man’s to win approval. Women are also more likely to be interrupted.

Then there’s the chance that someone else will suggest the same thing further down the line and get all the credit for their idea.

So, pay attention to who’s speaking in meetings and, if you like their idea, offer them some support.

And if someone else tries to take credit for it, point out who suggested it first.

Bad habits only change when people call others out on their behaviors. Reducing unconscious bias in the workplace requires that we step up and have these tough conversations.

Use the same adjectives to describe everyone

Unconscious bias in the workplace can show up in how we talk about people. Sometimes, we use different words to describe employees based on their backgrounds. This reinforces unconscious biases in other people, too.

So the next time you write a performance review or give feedback, ask yourself if you’d use the same language to write about an employee from a different background.

If the answer is that you would write it differently, run it through a language checker to highlight the biases in your writing. This will make you aware of how you can improve your feedback. It will also give you things to keep in mind for next time.

Praise (and criticize) everyone equally

Men often praise other men more highly, while they criticize women more harshly. So, the next time you give feedback, keep that in mind. Consider whether you’re giving feedback to everyone in the same way.

Also, be specific in the feedback that you give.

A study of 200 performance reviews in a tech company found that women were more likely to receive vague praise like “you had a great year.” In contrast, men were given developmental feedback related to business outcomes. 

When women received developmental feedback, it was often related to their personalities rather than their competence and performance. When unconscious bias in the workplace shows up in this way, it can have major impacts, like affecting promotion rates.

Create mentorship schemes

Mentoring can have huge benefits for everyone involved, opening them up to new experiences and helping them grow their careers.

It’s unusual for a male to ask for a female mentor. When they do though, it can help them understand how they’re inadvertently contributing to the authority gap. 

Mentoring also allows them to develop more “feminine” traits that make for better leaders, such as empathy.

Provide group training

Training is one of the key ways to start bringing unconscious bias in the workplace to employees’ attention. It’s a foundational step. But without the others in this list, it’s too easily dismissed.

So, while you want employees to be aware of unconscious biases and what they look like, it’s important that you encourage and enforce the other steps, too —such as calling out unconscious bias in meetings. Training is meaningless without actionable steps.

Hold a speed networking event

If you have a large organization, a speed networking event can offer employees the opportunity to meet people they may not otherwise come across (even if it’s done virtually).

Employees get to experience the true diversity of your organization, while HR leaders can potentially spot any representation gaps in event sign-ups or your business.

Schedule the event, then have everyone sit at tables or put them into breakout rooms if you’re doing it virtually. Everyone has five minutes to talk to the person in front of them. 

Then, half the room moves on to the next table, while the other half stays seated. Keep going until you’ve reached full circle.

Encouraging employees to get to know each other better is a key step towards reducing unconscious bias in the workplace.

Host a book club

Reading, especially reading fiction, makes us more empathetic.

Men are less likely to read books written by women, yet women regularly read books written by men.

Suggesting books written by underrepresented authors introduces book club members to experiences other than their own. This allows them to see what life is like for people from different backgrounds. 

Discussing the book with their colleagues can help employees meet more people, consider other ways to interpret the story, and learn new skills.

Reading memoirs may also help, as they’re based on real-life experiences and can give employees concrete examples of biases.

Create employee groups

Employee groups enable everyone within your organization to network with people who have something in common with them. 

At the same time, these groups can also provide an opportunity to meet people who are different. 

For example, a group focused on people who want to learn leadership skills isn’t limited to employees from one demographic. 

Instead, it can provide an opportunity for everyone to share a common interest alongside experiences that impact their ability to use their leadership skills. 

How a person of color demonstrates leadership in the workplace—and how it’s received—can be different from how a white person shows and reacts to these things, for example.

Learning about these differences in a constructive environment can help reduce unconscious bias in the workplace.

Track the program’s success

No program is worth the time and effort unless you can measure its success. One of the most effective ways to do this is to monitor employee feedback. How do they really feel about your organization—and its diversity and inclusion efforts?

You can also use surveys to track levels of unconscious bias in the workplace. You can then design programming to help employees spot gaps in their own awareness.

And you can identify company-wide areas that require more training/initiatives.


We may not eradicate unconscious bias in the workplace during our lifetimes, but we can reduce it and set a better example for future generations. The steps in this post will help your organization decrease the impact unconscious bias has on employees without it feeling like a box-checking exercise.

Instead, you can turn diversity and inclusion into a new way of thinking, helping employees understand experiences other than their own.

Ready to start implementing some of these ideas to reduce unconscious bias in the workplace? Workrowd has the tools you need to succeed.

Our all-in-one platform makes it easy to launch employee groups, survey team members, and track your progress at a glance with automated analytics. Visit us online to learn more or email us directly at

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging

9 ways to build a more inclusive business in 2024

Inclusive businesses get more out of their employees. But to be a truly inclusive business, it’s important not to overlook the seemingly little things that can make a big difference.

Things like unconscious biases that require significant training to overcome; creating comfortable office environments for everyone; showing respect in meetings.

Read on to discover 9 ways to build a more inclusive business in 2024, including some that you may not have considered.

Stop talking over colleagues in meetings—and call people out when they do it

Did you know women are more likely to be talked over than men in meetings?

This can be hugely off-putting for women and result in them speaking less, even if they have great ideas. It also discredits them and damages their confidence.

In your next meeting, make a tally—or use an app like Women Interrupted—to track how many times women are interrupted in meetings compared to men. You might be surprised at the results.

This happens regardless of seniority, by the way.

Don’t believe me?

Sue Montgomery, a Quebec Councilor, knitted a scarf in meetings. She used red when men spoke and green when women spoke. Most of it was red.

And when I say “most,” I mean almost all of it. (You can see the scarf here.)

If you identify as male, it’s powerful when you speak up and tell your colleagues not to interrupt others. This is especially true if the person being interrupted is female or from another underrepresented group. It shows you respect them and their ideas—and expect their colleagues to do the same.

The more people who call others out on this behavior, the more likely it is to stop. Former interrupters may even start calling others out on it, too. It can start a chain of behavior change to create a much more inclusive business.

Adjust your office temperature based on employees’ preferences, not the 1960s

Modern office temperatures are based on a study from the 1960s. Done on white men wearing woolen suits.

Not only has clothing come a long way since then, but so has the workplace.

One of the reasons I have such huge issues with office working is because of how cold I have found every single office I’ve ever worked in. The females I worked with always felt the same but were less likely to speak out—unless I instigated it—because for them it was uncomfortable. For me it was a chronic pain trigger.

The male managers in the office always insisted they were fine. Sometimes they’d find a way to accommodate or compromise, other times we were basically told to suck it up.

You’re never going to please everyone, but if more than half of your team is complaining about the office temperature, and it’s bad for people with disabilities, it’s time to do something about it. You never know how many people are suffering silently because you haven’t created an inclusive business.

Provide space and support for new mothers

Going back to work after having a baby is tough. Breastfeeding can make it even more complicated.

For mothers who are still feeding their babies breastmilk, having a safe, private space to pump at the office can make life a lot less stressful.

While the law requires this in many places, a lot of workplaces still haven’t caught up. And often won’t until someone explicitly threatens to make an issue of it.

Don’t put new moms at your organization in this position. Build a more inclusive business and give them time and space to pump before they have to ask.


Just because you don’t see something as a problem, that doesn’t mean it isn’t. (See above examples.)

Everyone experiences the world—and the workplace—differently.

So, if an employee comes to you with something, pay attention to them. Don’t dismiss their queries or concerns just because you’ve never considered something an issue before. 

We’re all unique, and what impacts one person may not impact another. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem that needs solving.

Offer fidget toys

Fidget toys can help employees focus during meetings or when working on tedious tasks. They come in all shapes and sizes, from stress balls to pens to cubes.

I’ve been using fidget toys for just over a year now, often when I’m editing or on a call. They’re grounding, and help employees retain information in meetings. Allowing their use is a small way to ensure you’re cultivating an inclusive business.

Have a quiet hour

We’re constantly bombarded with notifications. It’s not great for our concentration levels or mental health. Especially if we’re doing a task that requires concentration. It can take us twenty minutes to get into a state of focus again. Is twenty minutes of quiet even possible in the modern world?

Allowing employees time and space where they can switch off and do some deep work helps them be more productive. 

It also creates a calmer work environment where more focused work gets done without the added stress of constant notifications and interruptions.

Captions in meetings

Many video tools now auto-generate closed captions in real time. This can make meetings more accessible to people who are hard of hearing or who have difficulty processing auditory information.

Turning on this option supports a more inclusive business environment and ensures everyone can get the most out of meetings. And you can get the most out of them as employees.

Put the PowerPoints and GIFs away

Did you know that busy PowerPoint presentations with too many slides, or excessive GIFs, can be distracting for some neurodivergent people?

Too much visual information can lead to sensory overload. Which means any neurodivergent people watching your presentation may feel too overwhelmed to focus on what you’re actually talking about.

So if you want a more inclusive business, use slides to show your key points and avoid flashing images.

Let employees work when they’re the most productive

The traditional nine-to-five doesn’t work for everyone.

I spoke to someone the other day who wakes up at 4:30am and goes to bed at 5pm. That works for her.

I get up around 9am and start work after lunch. That works for me.

Forcing myself to do work that requires deep focus first thing in the morning makes it harder for me to concentrate and means tasks take longer.

Leaning into our most productive times helps us get more done and fulfill our potential.


These are just a handful of ways you can show employees you appreciate them, attract top talent, and truly build a more inclusive business.

If you’re looking to step up your inclusion work this year and ensure every employee is set up for success, Workrowd can help. Our all-in-one tool suite enables you to launch new inclusive business initiatives with ease, and measure the results in real-time.

Sound useful? Visit us online to learn more or send us a note at

Employee Experience

9 employee offboarding best practices to implement in 2024

For organizations looking to elevate their employee experience in 2024, incorporating more offboarding best practices can be a game-changer.

More than 2/3 of businesses have a formal onboarding process.

But only 29% have a formal offboarding process.

That’s despite the potential risk of security breaches, loss of knowledge, and damage to employer brand that not having a formal process can lead to.

76% of IT leaders strongly agree that not utilizing offboarding best practices presents a significant security threat.

And when you consider how hyper-connected we are at work, and how many of us now take work devices home with us or use work logins on personal devices, it makes you wonder how much of a security threat not having an offboarding process could really be.

So how can you mitigate that security threat? And ensure the offboarding process is as seamless as possible for employees, managers, and HR?

Take a look at these offboarding best practices to set you up for success.

Transfer knowledge

When an employee leaves, you risk their years of experience working in the industry, and getting to know the business, leaving with them. Especially if they work in a small department. 

Some of the information that can leave with them includes:

  • How to use a particular software
  • Important contacts
  • Industry knowledge
  • Company knowledge (for instance, how to maintain legacy products or other company history)

It’s important that when an employee leaves—for any reason—you have a way for them to transfer their knowledge to their replacement or other people within the team. This is where offboarding best practices come into play. You don’t want to end up losing knowledge that could benefit you in the future.

Some of the ways you can transfer knowledge, and protect it going forward, include:

  • Writing guides
  • Delivering (and recording) workshops or webinars
  • Handover calls
  • Video tutorials
  • Checklists

If any of the information is likely to change, be sure to schedule in review dates so it’s always kept up to date, and no one person is responsible for it in the future.

Revoke access to accounts

Failing to revoke employees’ access to software and hardware creates a huge security risk and puts you in danger of future leaks or hacks. It’s any company’s worst nightmare.

So, make a list of every tool the departing employee has access to (or better yet, maintain a list so that you don’t have to create one when they leave) and notify your IT department so that their access is revoked.

Reclaim or wipe equipment

If you’ve given employees a laptop, tablet, phone, or other device, make sure they send it back or wipe it remotely.

Wiping devices remotely ensures that if you don’t want it back—for instance, if it’s old—no confidential documents are kept on a device that doesn’t belong to an employee. 

That way, they can keep the device for personal use without the risk of anyone finding confidential data or files.

Make sure any useful information is backed up elsewhere before you wipe it, though. Otherwise, this is one of the offboarding best practices that could come back to bite you.

Stop automatic paychecks

Let your finance department know the employee’s last working day. They can then work out if the employee gets any extra money from PTO they didn’t take, bonuses, etc. And, of course, organize their final paycheck.

Contact—and reassure—clients

Make sure any clients who work with the departing employee directly know that that person is leaving and who their new point of contact will be. 

This will help ensure a smooth transition and reduce the anxiety clients may feel about the upcoming changes. 

Reassure them that the new person can still cater to their needs, particularly as they may not have the same level of knowledge about the client as their departing contact.

If they don’t feel reassured or supported, they may take their business elsewhere at the end of the contract. Certainly, this is one of the offboarding best practices you can’t afford to skip.

Conduct an exit survey

Exit surveys can give you crucial insights into why an employee left and how you can improve. 

Whether you send an automated survey, have employees chat to their manager, or get them to sit down with HR, it’s important that they share their experiences.

This helps them feel listened to and can improve your employer brand, as they’ll feel more positively about the organization. As a result, they’ll also be more likely to praise you to their networks.

If they left for negative reasons, you can put steps in place to fix things. That way, future employees in that role don’t leave due to the same issue.

Preventing avoidable turnover can be a key benefit of implementing offboarding best practices.

Let the team know

When you need to tell employees depends on how closely they work with the person who’s leaving.

Immediate team members should know once the person has handed in their notice to help ease the transition period and facilitate knowledge-sharing.

The rest of the company can be told via an email on one of the employee’s final days.

Hire their replacement

Take the learnings from the exit interview, update the job description, and start hiring their replacement.

If you have enough notice, you could even start hiring before they leave, using the exiting employee’s knowledge to help with the hiring process. 

After all, they’ve been successful in the role. They know what the right candidate needs to succeed. If anyone can identify it in a potential new hire, it’s them.

Keep in touch

Do you plan to stay in contact with your departing employee?

How can you do so in a way that improves your employer brand and leaves them feeling positively about their time at your company?

For larger businesses, an alumni network can be a huge benefit.

Yet only 15% of companies have a formal alumni network. Compare that with the 67% where employees organized their own, informal alumni group instead. That’s a huge missed opportunity.

Could you set up an alumni network as part of your effort to incorporate more offboarding best practices?

It’s always worth staying in touch with former employees. They may be able to recommend someone to work for your business who’d be a great fit.

They may even return themselves, with more knowledge and experience, later in their career.


Offboarding is a crucial, if often neglected, part of the employee journey. Handle it right and it can boost your employer brand and improve internal security measures.

Staying in touch with former employees could even help you find your next great hire. The only question is: which of these offboarding best practices will you start with?

If you want an easy way to keep current employees engaged, manage alumni, and more all in one place, Workrowd has what you’re looking for. Our suite of tools offers a user-friendly way to keep everyone connected, while giving you real-time analytics to ensure you always know what’s working.

Ready to learn more? Visit us online or send us an email at

Employee Experience

7 ways to use AI for HR – and 4 ways you shouldn’t

If you think all the hype around AI is overblown, you might want to think again; AI for HR can be a game-changer.

When used correctly, AI can automate tedious tasks. It can give hiring managers more time to focus on building relationships and providing a better candidate experience.

In fact, 85% of employers using automations or AI say it saves time or improves efficiency. Unsurprisingly, 82% of HR teams want to incorporate more AI tools into their talent management processes between now and 2025.

So anyone who isn’t using AI for HR risks being left behind.

But when AI for HR is used incorrectly, or without human support, candidates and employees can both end up feeling let down. And it can negatively impact your employer brand and employee productivity.

Read on to find out about 7 great ways to use AI for HR. Plus, 4 cases where you should never use AI for HR.

Ways you should use AI for HR

Let’s start with the positives. How should (or could) you use AI for HR?

Checking job descriptions for biases

If you already have a job description, AI can scan it for ways to make the language more inclusive.

If you don’t have a job description yet, it can write one for you based on the criteria you provide.

Make sure to pass it through a human editor before publication, though. (For reasons we’ll discuss below in the don’t section.)

Sourcing candidates

It’s not always easy to attract the right candidates. One way to leverage AI for HR is to search the internet far faster than any human, and ensure your job gets in front of the right people.

Using AI for HR can enable you to scrape job boards for candidates and their resumes. It can also submit job descriptions to more sites in a shorter span of time, potentially helping you find the right person for the job much faster.

Filtering resumes

Filtering resumes is one of the most time-consuming parts of the hiring process. 

AI can search resumes for keywords that suggest someone would be a good fit for a role. It can then submit the results to a human recruiter for review or automatically invite that candidate to interview.

Making video calls more accessible

While video calls are a ubiquitous part of modern life, they’re not great for everyone.

They often obscure social cues and introduce far too many distractions, particularly for neurodivergent employees or candidates

The evolution of AI for HR means more and more innovations are available to improve accessibility.

For example, auto-captions can now appear in real time on apps like Zoom. These captions aren’t perfect, but they enable attendees who are hard of hearing to participate without having to wait for the minutes to be published.

Some tools now also allow attendees who arrive late to get an AI-generated summary of what they missed. AI can even assemble and deliver an overview of the key points discussed at the end of a meeting.

And software can remove distracting background noises such as someone munching on their lunch or a dog barking. These tools are getting more and more effective, improving the quality of audio for calls and recordings.

Managing employee records

Maintaining records can be tedious. It’s easy to forget to do something. This is where AI for HR can come in handy.

AI can update information in multiple places without the need for manual input. This not only eliminates the risk of manual errors, but saves huge amounts of time.

AI can also notify you if information needs updating or double-checking, and it can delete information when someone leaves.

And it can help you keep things like training manuals and contracts up to date with regular notifications or document scanning.

Organizing payroll and benefits

No one wants to get paid late. And, with a cost-of-living crisis affecting many people, some employees genuinely can’t afford for their paycheck to be even a couple of hours late. It could mean they get hit with late fees that further impact their finances.

Using AI for HR can solve this, paying employees and contractors automatically at the end of each period. 

If a contractor bills for different amounts each month, AI can scan the invoices to work out how much to pay them and process that payment without a human needing to touch it.

Generating ideas

Think of AI for HR as your handy assistant to help you with idea generation.

What it comes out with won’t be perfect, but you can use it as a jumping-off point. It can even help you think up new ways to do something, like an off-site for the sales team to try. 

Plus, it can be useful for repetitive tasks like drafting or editing candidate emails.

Ways you shouldn’t use AI for HR

So, what about the times when you shouldn’t use AI for HR?

Firing employees

Letting an employee go isn’t fun, but firing them without the human touch? It’s cold and will leave the former employee with a bad taste in their mouth. This might then lead them to publish a negative review about you online.

Building relationships

One of the potential benefits of AI is that it can give you back time to focus on the more human elements of your job, like relationship building. 

Stronger relationships build brand loyalty and more engaged employees.

But this isn’t something you can give to ChatGPT to do for you. It comes from genuinely listening to what other people have to say and responding accordingly.

Editing for individuality

With training, AI can emulate your voice. Ultimately though, it will never be able to fully recreate something that sounds like you.

So be sure to edit anything it writes to make it sound original and not something written in Generic Internet Voice.

Checking facts

AI is prone to fabrications, meaning it likes to make things up.

And not in a fun, creative, storytelling way. (It’s kind of bad at that.)

When AI gives you any stats or studies, probe it until it gives you the original source. Or see what you can find when you do some (non-AI) digging yourself.

This ensures any information you share with employees or the outside world links to the original source. It will improve how trustworthy people feel your company brand is.


Regardless of how we feel about AI, it isn’t going anywhere. It can’t replace the nuance that comes from the human experience, but that’s where HR teams can shine. 

Showing empathy and humanity will improve the candidate experience, and thereby your employer brand. 

It’ll also improve the employee experience, making your people feel listened to and appreciated, rather than like just another cog in the machine.

If you’re ready to make the most of both AI for HR and the human side of things, the right tools can help. Workrowd automates tedious aspects of employee experience management, to ensure you and your team can drive greater impact in less time.

Want to see how it works? Visit us online to learn more, or email us directly at


7 more employee loyalty ideas for remote and hybrid workers

Check out part one of this series for even more employee loyalty ideas to boost buy-in across your remote and hybrid workers!

Prioritize their well-being

Employees want work-life balance. That has to come from the example set by their employer and the company’s expectations of them. 

If the company expects people to reply to emails outside of working hours, or work to tight deadlines, an employee is far more likely to have a worse work-life balance and burn out faster. This is an important factor when considering employee loyalty ideas.

When you prioritize employees’ well-being, they get more time to recharge their batteries. 

To do this, you both need to draw clear boundaries around working hours and personal hours. It’s also important to provide employees with time back when they work overtime.

It’s not just about that, though.

Provide support

How can you support your employees? 

Could you offer subsidized childcare, pension plans, or healthcare?

In some countries these things are legal requirements, but in others they’re not. 

So it’s worth considering what’s a legal requirement in your country and what, morally, feels like the right way to support your employees.

It’s even more important to implement these types of employee loyalty ideas during challenging and stressful times.

Take away unnecessary uncertainty

When we live in uncertain times it causes stress and anxiety. This affects our moods and our ability to concentrate and deliver our best work. It can also seriously affect the success of any employee loyalty ideas.

We all remember how stressful Covid-19 was, and the impact it had. Many of us were left feeling more fatigued than usual despite doing less. 

This was because it was the most uncertain time many of us have ever lived through. We had no idea what was going to happen from one day to the next. This extra worry subconsciously left us drained.

When employees work in unpredictable, uncertain environments, it recreates this stress. 

The longer their situation is uncertain for, the more likely it is that that stress will mutate. It can show up as depression, anxiety, or even chronic pain like migraines or fibromyalgia.

So, how can you support your employees and remove unnecessary uncertainties? 

Is it through better communication, even when times are tough? 

Is it taking their opinions into account? 

Getting more support yourself from someone else within the organization?

Practice what you preach

It’s all very well and good telling employees to do something, but if you’re not willing to do that thing yourself, asking them can come across as hypocritical. It can also be really frustrating for employees. Why should they have to do something that you’re not willing to do?

For example, if you want to grow your employer brand on social media, the best way to do it is through your employees sharing what life is like at your business from their own profiles. 

But if they don’t see their leaders posting, they’re going to feel more apprehensive about doing so. Leading by example is one of the more straightforward employee loyalty ideas you can incorporate.

Strong leadership

If you show that you care about your business and colleagues, employees are much more likely to follow your lead. They’ll mirror your loyalty.

But that starts with you modeling the types of behavior you want to see and being a strong leader. 

It means talking to your team even when things are hard. And it means being able to make the tough decisions.

Check in regularly

The only way you’re going to know what’s really going on with your employees is by checking in regularly. Knowing what’s going on should be the foundation of your employee loyalty ideas.

In large businesses it’s impossible for senior leadership to speak to everyone. 

But you should make an effort to connect periodically with employees from all levels. That way, they don’t feel like you’re just a figurehead and decisions ripple down from you to them. They should feel able to communicate with you.

Team leaders and managers should also have regular catch-ups with their direct reports. This allows them to keep team members informed of what’s happening. Plus, it helps solve any problems before they cause more significant issues.

It also ensures that if employees have personal problems, don’t get along with their colleagues, or clients are causing a headache, they’re not dealing with those issues alone.

Encourage learning and development

Encouraging employees to grow their skills inside and outside of the business has huge benefits for everyone. 

It’s great for our brains to learn new things. That could be a new language, a new skill we can use at work, or a different form of exercise. These new skills create new connections in our brains, which keeps them healthy and can improve our moods.

Businesses, meanwhile, get the benefits of employees’ improved health and mood, leading to greater productivity. But those aren’t the only ways businesses can benefit from employee learning and development.

When employees continue to upskill throughout their careers, it helps them stay competitive. And, as a result, so does your business. It’s one of the employee loyalty ideas that’s a true win-win.

That way, employees have the latest industry knowledge—and they may even have other peripheral skills that competitors’ employees don’t have—that can boost productivity, find new cost-saving measures, and discover more creative ways to solve problems. 

The more knowledge and experience they can bring to the table, the greater the benefits to you.


Remote and hybrid workers need to know that you trust them. That means investing in everything from their office equipment to their well-being to their personal brand to their learning and development. 

Sure, there’s the possibility that they’ll leave after you’ve spent all that money. 

But if they leave on positive terms, they’re far more likely to come back. And they’re going to boost your employer brand either way by speaking so highly of you. This can help you tap into a new talent pool, attracting more great employees. In this way, your employee loyalty ideas can lead to an even more loyal workforce over the long-term.

No employee will stick around forever. But if you can foster a sense of loyalty, it will boost not only your employer brand, but your customer brand, too. And that can only lead to positive things for your business.

Ready to get started on implementing some of these employee loyalty ideas? Why not check out some tools that can make things easier?

Workrowd’s user-friendly platform gives employees one-stop shopping for everything that makes them love their employer. You can centralize events, groups, programs, information, and more, all in the same place where you collect employee feedback. It’s a no-brainer, and a great way to get quickly up-to-speed on using these employee loyalty ideas.

If this sounds interesting for your organization, visit us online to learn more or send us a quick note at


7 ways to boost employee loyalty for remote and hybrid workers

Employee loyalty is a big deal. Loyal employees can be up to 12% more productive, which could make a huge difference to your business’s bottom line.

They’re also up to 87% less likely to leave, leading to all sorts of financial savings. This includes during the hiring process, training, and onboarding. Which then gives you more money to invest in other areas of the business. For instance, upskilling existing employees to increase their industry knowledge and help you stay ahead of the curve.

However, 95% of employees are open to a new job in the next year. So if you’re not looking to boost employee loyalty, your people are far more likely to leave when an opportunity comes knocking.

Replacing an employee costs around double their annual salary, equalling somewhere between $25,000 and $100,000. That’s a lot of money to lose because your company culture needs work.

So, how do you boost employee loyalty? Especially when employees work remotely some or all of the time?

Ask them what they want

What you have in mind isn’t always what your employees want or need from you. This is particularly hard to gauge if your team is remote. You can’t see anyone’s body language (or not properly on video) to tell if they’re really saying what they mean or just telling you what you want to hear. 

But you can ask in a survey! That way, you can get feedback on your hiring process, onboarding process, employee reviews, workplace practices, and offboarding practices. The possibilities are endless.

Listen to their opinions

The further down an employee is in the food chain, the less of a say they get in decisions. This can make them feel unvalued and expendable.

Whether an employee is a cleaner or team leader or any role in between, they should be able to voice their opinions about what’s happening within the business. 

Sending a survey shouldn’t just be something you feel obligated to do. Instead, you should listen to people’s feedback and take action when it’s appropriate. While you can’t solve every problem, if multiple team members have issues with the same thing, that should be a red flag that requires immediate action.

Likewise, if there’s something positive that many employees highlight when you speak to them, you should lean in to that. And include a mention to it in your employee branding materials and/or job descriptions when hiring for a role. It could be a key driver of employee loyalty!

Create a sense of community

If employees feel like they belong, they’re going to be happier in their roles and therefore more likely to stay.

Employee groups are a great way to build a sense of community. Employees can connect with colleagues from other parts of the organization who share their interests, goals, and/or backgrounds.

They don’t have to be complicated to manage, either. With Workrowd, you can get more out of your employee groups and even track their success in real-time.

Offer to help employees set up their offices

Helping employees get the right equipment for their home office allows them to feel more comfortable working from home. That way, they’ll be happier and can get more done. It’s a pretty straightforward way to boost employee loyalty. 

Simple things like the right chair, mouse, or keyboard can make a huge difference to our mood and productivity. 

I used to work in a really uncomfortable chair. Because I was uncomfortable, it was hard for me to concentrate. When I switched jobs and worked from a better chair/desk setup, my back pain went away. Meaning I wasn’t thinking about being in pain and could instead get more work done.

Reward them

A little recognition can go a long way. Sometimes, all it takes is a quick ‘thank you’ for an employee to feel appreciated and like they belong. It can increase employee loyalty and make them want to stay.

Of course, you can take things further and consider a gift of some sort. It could be an onboarding package with some branded merchandise, or a sweet treat at the end of a project. 

You can even go so far as to personalize employee rewards by paying attention to things like their interests and favorite brands.

Help them grow their brand

One way you can really show employees you care about them is by helping them grow their personal brands. 

Not every employee will be interested in doing this, but it’s something that can make a huge difference to their confidence levels, their network, their career opportunities, and how they feel about you as an employer. 

Of course, it does mean that they could get headhunted because of the strength of the personal brand that you helped them create. 

But if they’re truly happy in their role and working for your business, they’ll say no to that new opportunity because they won’t want to leave. Enabling team members to grow within your organization is key to increasing employee loyalty.

Show trust

How do you show your employees that you trust them? 

Is it by allowing them to post about work on social media

Is it by prioritizing how much work they get done over how many hours they spend sitting at their desk with Slack open?

The more employees feel like you trust them, the more you’ll get out of them. And, the more you’ll see employee loyalty increase.

If employees constantly feel uncomfortable or like you don’t trust them to do their jobs, the quality of their work, their confidence levels, and their productivity levels, will suffer.


Employee loyalty can play a key role in your talent acquisition and retention levels. The tips above were a start, but these aren’t the only ways to increase employee loyalty.

Stay tuned for part two, where we share more ways to boost employee loyalty among your remote and hybrid workers!

In the meantime, if you want an easier way to increase employee loyalty and watch your numbers rise in real-time, Workrowd can help.

Our one-stop shop for engagement and inclusion makes it easy to get employees deeply involved at your organization from day one, and then track progress over time.

Sound useful? Our happy customers certainly think so! Visit us online to learn more, or email us at to schedule some time to connect.

Learning & Development

6 creative ways to offer upskilling opportunities for your team

Upskilling is teaching your employees additional skills to give them, and your business, a boost.

Why is upskilling important?

The number of skills required for a single job increases by 10% every year. So if employees don’t keep upskilling, they’ll fall behind. And so will their employer.

Things now move so quickly that a third of the skills that appeared in an average job posting in 2017 are no longer required. That’s a huge number of obsolete skills in just a few years.

So it makes sense that 48% of US workers would switch to a new job that offered skills training opportunities.

And that 65% of workers believe employer-provided upskilling is very important when evaluating a potential new job. Upskilling means they get more present and future opportunities.

Upskilling is an even higher priority for millennial and gen Z workers, with 93% of them expecting employers to offer learning opportunities.

Providing upskilling opportunities for your employees will help you retain your current team members and attract new ones. It could even mean you attract better quality hires who stick around for longer.

For workers who’ve recently taken part in an upskilling program, the average salary increase is $8,000 or more. That could make a huge difference to someone’s quality of life, especially in the current economic climate.

And as AI becomes a larger part of the workplace, offering opportunities for employees to upskill or reskill will be pivotal to maintaining a positive company culture. Especially when so many people are worried AI will take their jobs.

Creative ways to upskill your employees

So, how can you upskill your employees? There are lots of options, and something for every budget:

Start a book club

Books are a great way to learn. The increased availability of ebooks and audiobooks also means that they’re more accessible than ever. With material available on nearly every subject imaginable, you can use workplace book clubs for upskilling employees on a wide array of topics.

Create internal training modules

If you’ve got a particularly complicated product, or a lot of internal knowledge you want to retain and share, internal training modules can be a great way to spread that information.

Investing in e-learning software means employees can dive in as part of their onboarding, during a set day/time, or at their own pace.

You could create these modules on anything from how to use a particular tool to company culture and everything in between.

Start an employee group

Employee groups are a simple way for team members to connect with people who have the skills they need, or for them to learn together.

They provide employees with the chance to interact with people from outside of their department and learn things they might not have otherwise had the chance to.

A robust community of employee groups can not only do wonders for your employee engagement rates, but can help with upskilling on both hard and soft skills.


Mentoring enables employees to receive one-on-one support to help them grow in a particular area. This means they get training that’s tailored to their individual situation, helping them grow faster.

This is also particularly useful for succession planning. A manager’s replacement can shadow them for a set time, for example, to help them fully understand the role and how to react in different situations.

Volunteer work

Volunteer work allows employees to engage in upskilling while giving back to their community. There are volunteer roles for just about every skill set, so whether it’s cooking in a soup kitchen or doing admin for a charity, there’ll be something for them.

Supporting employees to give back to their community also improves your employer brand, showing the outside world that you really do care about more than just money. Which can further help you attract and retain talent.

For employees who work remotely, or long hours, volunteer work also provides them with a desk break, improving their mental health through spending time with other people and helping them.

Away day

A break from the office (whether that’s a company office or a work-from-home office) can refresh tired minds and encourage creativity. 

The higher-ups at Marvel regularly do this to plan their upcoming movies and TV shows. It’s a way to disconnect from the outside world and our everyday lives, which can reduce stress and boost idea generation.

Away days are also great for cramming in lots of knowledge in a short space of time. 

Employees don’t need to worry about picking children up from school and missing the end of the session, or the dog needing to go outside at an awkward time. 

They have more energy to focus on learning new things, which helps them retain the information.

They can also spend time with other employees—or even people from outside of the organization—learning the same thing. This can improve loneliness, increase their sense of belonging, and lead to future career opportunities, too.


Everyone knows something we don’t. Networking is therefore a crucial way for employees to engage in upskilling.

How can you encourage networking within your organization?

Some ideas include:

  • Breakfast sessions
  • Lunch and learns
  • Evening pizza
  • Hackathons
  • Charity events (such as running a total number of hours as an organization in a month)
  • Holiday gatherings
  • Town hall meetings


Upskilling doesn’t have to be hugely expensive for businesses or employees. But the more businesses and employees foster a culture of learning, the more it will benefit the business and employees’ skills and mental health. 

It also future proofs employees’ careers and the business itself, allowing them to adapt to the changing times.

Want to find out what your employees really want from upskilling? Workrowd makes it easy to deliver upskilling opportunities in a wide variety of formats, and track employee satisfaction.

With all your groups, programs, and events in one place, everyone can easily tap into what works for them. Plus, our automated feedback requests and real-time analytics ensure you always know what is and isn’t getting results.

If this sounds useful for your organization, we’d love to chat. Visit us online to schedule some time, or email us directly at