There are a lot of HR tech products out there. Many of them promise increased engagement, greater connection, and a wealth of other benefits. But what does improving employee engagement actually look like during a typical workday?
Meet Mia. She’s a hard-working mom of two intent on doing it all. She’s been working from home these past couple of years thanks to the pandemic, and she’s just now starting to go into the office a couple of days per week.
Mia’s’s always been pretty social, despite her introverted tendencies, and the transition to remote hit her harder than she expected. Luckily, her company was ready with tools to keep her connected, engaged, and thriving.
Let’s see how Workrowd makes improving employee engagement easy for Mia’s employer, as we follow her on a typical day in the life.
A day in the life with Workrowd

The kids are off to school, the laundry’s already in the dryer, and Mia’s feeling good about the day ahead. She grabs a cup of coffee and settles in at her desk.
Before she starts work, it’s time for her moment of mindfulness, thanks to the company’s meditation group.
Mia pulls up Workrowd in her browser and checks out the mindfulness prompt for today. She starts to practice the breathing exercises she learned recently to quiet her mind.
She’s up to fifteen minutes of meditation per day now, from five. The benefits to her concentration and mental health are really starting to come through. All the techniques she’s learned have also proven helpful when the kids are testing her patience!
If she hadn’t had the chance to check out the group on Workrowd first, without having to commit to anything, she never would’ve gotten into mindfulness. Now, she’s not sure how she could function without it.
Now that her email inbox is (somewhat) under control and she’s put out a couple of fires, it’s time for her first meeting of the day. It’s to discuss a new cross-departmental project, which can be tricky when you’re working with new colleagues.
Luckily, she already knows a couple of the people involved thanks to the company Toastmasters group. Having bonded over their fear of public speaking, collaboration is going to be a lot easier.
Mia had wanted to try Toastmasters for years. So, when she saw the company group on Workrowd the day she started, she clicked the ‘Join’ button immediately. (Even though she was already anxious just thinking about her first speech!) Her confidence and speaking skills have improved quite a bit, and she’s enjoying the challenge. Presenting in meetings is much less stressful now, too!
They changed the time of the All Hands this week, but Workrowd sent her a notification, meaning there was no confusion over when it was actually happening.
Because of the new time, Mia has to leave the All Hands early to join a previously scheduled call. Workrowd has her covered, though. The recording will be posted and easy to find, along with the slides and any comments from the team. She’s going to check it all out tomorrow morning when she has a few spare minutes.

As the sponsor of the Managers-in-Training program, Mia’s put together a lunch and learn.
Workrowd enabled her to notify and share readings with all the participants in advance. She used to have to manually update the program’s mailing list to keep everyone in the loop, but now the platform takes care of membership.
Plus, everyone knew where to find the materials alongside the event information, so they were all prepared when they arrived. It’s a big help to have so much of the admin work off of her plate. Now she can focus her energy on running a great program that delivers results.
Workrowd doesn’t just help employers with improving employee engagement; it also empowers employee leaders to drive culture and engagement from the ground up. Today’s lunch and learn discussion yielded some great insights.
As the lunch and learn discussion wraps up, Mia remembers that she needs to update her group’s budget and download a reimbursement form for some supplies she purchased for a recent training session.
Having everything in one place on Workrowd is super convenient.
She updates her budget with the new information so leadership can easily see how much she spent and compare it against their key performance indicators. Mia is proud that the Managers-in-Training program is operating under budget while exceeding their goals.
After she grabs the reimbursement form from the Tools section of the leaders’ group, she signs and submits it. Job done!
Time for some deep, focused work.
Because Workrowd organizes all of Mia’s notifications about the company’s employee groups, programs, and events in one place, she’s not getting random pings about fitness classes or happy hours while she’s trying to concentrate.
That doesn’t mean she’s going to miss out, though. She can catch up on what’s happening on her own time, instead of getting interrupted every time something is posted.
After some deep work, Mia opens Workrowd to change her response for this evening’s company volunteer shift. Originally, she’d RSVPed for three people since it was just going to be her and the kids. Luckily though, her partner’s business dinner was cancelled, so now there will be four of them.
Thanks to the comprehensive event details on Workrowd, she knew it was okay to add an additional person this close to the start time.
The whole family had a great time at the volunteer event, and really felt like they were able to make a difference. Now, everyone’s hungry but they can’t decide where to grab a bite.
Mia remembers that there was a discussion thread about family-friendly restaurants in the Resources section of the caregivers’ ERG. She quickly pulls up Workrowd to check out what her colleagues recommended.
They find a great place and while they’re driving there, Mia takes two minutes to fill out the five-question feedback survey about the volunteer event.
She knows the group leader and the HR team will really love hearing about how much fun the family had. The automated analytics make it much easier for them to see how groups, programs, and events are impacting her and her colleagues in real time.
Mia greatly prefers this bite-size version to the flood of requests to complete those endless employee engagement surveys once or twice a year.

Time to start winding down. Mia climbs into bed and dives back into the current book for the company book club. It’s a real page-turner!
It’s so good that she drops a note in the book club chat on Workrowd, sharing how much she’s enjoying the story. Hopefully it’ll encourage anyone considering skipping this month to give it a chance. She’s so glad she has such a great work community.
Mia’s story isn’t uncommon. Companies everywhere are enjoying the benefits of improving employee engagement with Workrowd.
The wide array of employee experience tools out there can be overwhelming. If you’re currently exploring options for improving employee engagement, let’s talk.
We’d love to learn more about any challenges you’re facing with your current approach to improving employee engagement, and discuss some ways our one-stop suite of tools can help.
Improving employee engagement doesn’t have to be hard. With Workrowd’s customizable, user-friendly platform, you can automate processes, reduce admin time, and keep every team member engaged and thriving.